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Monthly Archives: November 2007


It’s the season for holidays, pickpockets, thefts, and other mischief.  So I’m going to start a series of posts about how to protect yourself during this season of making merry. I hope you all find them useful.

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Pickpockets 1

Pickpockets don’t just come out after dark, nor do they hang around only tourist spots and transportation hubs. They strike at all hours, in all venues, especially where money changes hands. So be on alert at banks, currency exchange booths, … Continue reading

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Pickpockets 2

Pickpockets often create distractions to catch shoppers and tourists unaware. Sadly, as cute as groups of children may be, they aren’t always so angelic. While you are fawning over them, one may be slipping her tiny fingers into your pocket. … Continue reading

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Be careful what you wish for–you might get it

The Washington Post today ran a Front Page Story about how the government is using cell phones as tracking devices.  Sometimes this is done with warrants, sometimes without.  Sometimes with probable cause, sometimes without.  Privacy advocates object to the government … Continue reading

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Cell phones as tracking devices

For those parents who want to know what their children are up too, the cell phone companies will let you do it for a fee: Sprint Nextel and Verizon has “ehanced 911” which you can subscribe to.  Although slightly different, … Continue reading

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This isn’t exactly one of my normal posts but something happened yesterday that I want to talk about.  I was walking my dog in the park when we came up to a young lady and her dog.  She pulled off … Continue reading

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Practice, practice Practice

I’ve talked about this before, I think, but it bears repeating over and over.  If you are going to have a weapon you must practice with it.  CNN had this article linked to a man who shot 6 times at … Continue reading

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Do Not Ignore Security

I just came from a 2 day conference sponsored by the ABA Law Practice Management in Washington D.C.  While I was there I noticed that they had some books for sale and I went over to take a look.  I … Continue reading

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Rant (Sort of) Beware Security Experts Selling “Stuff”

I just heard of an interesting approach to business and personal security.  A big (actually Very Big) law firm around here brought in a security expert to advise its lawyers and the staff working there about personal security.  From what … Continue reading

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Women travelers

I was talking with a woman friend recently who travels a lot as part of her job.  She gave me this tip, which I should have thought of:  if you are a woman traveling alone with a group of men … Continue reading

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