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Monthly Archives: November 2009

Do you need to protect your Intellectual property?

If you are in a media, design or other creative-type business, it is certainly a “plus” if your lawyer can help you register your products and services for federal trademark and copyright protection. Generally, though, these tasks are performed by … Continue reading

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I’ve been away from this for a while because I’ve had 2 major trials to prepare for and then conduct.  Posting is going to be a bit spotty for the next few weeks too as I’ve got 3 trials and … Continue reading

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Security Alert–Even the US Secret Service Can’t Ensure Your Security

By now you’ve probably heard about the gate-crashers at the White House dinner last week. It’s been all over the press here in DC anyway.  Apparently these 2 people (I won’t list their names as that’s obviously what they want) … Continue reading

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Stay away from the Door!

Recently a DC family suffered a horrible tragedy. They were being chased by a mugger and ran into their apartment and slammed the door for safety.  Good.  Then the little 9 year old boy went to the door to see … Continue reading

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Why do you need a specialist in taxes and licenses?

Although your accountant will prepare and file your business tax returns each year, your lawyer should know how to register your business for federal and state tax identification numbers, and understand the tax consequences of the more basic business transactions … Continue reading

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Why do you need a real estate lawyer?

Leases of commercial space–such as offices and retail stores–are highly complex and are always drafted to benefit the landlord. Because they tend to be “printed form” documents, you may be tempted to think they are not negotiable. Not so. Your … Continue reading

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Rant ON!

OK.  I’m just sick and tired of listening to various pundits, medicos and general apologists for Maj. Hasan Nidal and hs so-called PRE-traumatic stress disorder.  WTF?  Sorry about the language but to argue that this guy suffered before anything ever … Continue reading

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Another RANT ON!

It’s Veteran’s Day, 2009.  A day precious to me. A day to remember lost friends and absent companions.  So I like to go to synagogue & say a prayer for the dead.  I’m Jewish.  It takes a minyan (10 adults … Continue reading

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Damn! So much to talk about

OK.  I’ve been in trial and haven’t had time to post lately. But between the shooting in the office in Orlando and the massacre at Ft. Hood, I have to post some more. First off, hats off to all the … Continue reading

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When the shooting starts

Drop & Roll into a corner.  keep rolling.  Don’t stay still.  Modern handguns are powerful enough to plow through wooden desks, chairs, sofas, etc.  Get concealed, roll (or crawl) into a protected area like a corner. But be aware:  drywall … Continue reading

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