Author Archives: admin
Followup Blog Post
Remember yesterday? When I posted about the 2 different outcomes for a criminal trial? The only difference was paid counsel or a public defender. Well here’s a very well-respected legal “pundit” who read the opinion. Bottom line: The judge would … Continue reading
What should I (the attorney) do if the client is hostile, aggressive, calls me names and I feel threatened?
Amazing that this happens. I always think that, when I’m representing someone and they know I hold the keys to whatever they want, that they think I’m going to work harder if they call me names and threaten me. Nuts! … Continue reading
Some clients are time sinks
Sometimes I get a client who calls or emails several times a day about whatever they are anxious about. But there is a difference between stuff I can do something about when I get to it, stuff I should do … Continue reading
I’m seriously pissed off.
I mean really pissed off. Why am I pissed off? I’ll tell you why I’m pissed off: Slate magazine ran an article by Emily Yoffe discussing overindulgence in alcohol and rape. (The Original article, The Rebuttal by Yoffe and The … Continue reading
Do you want to know what Estate/Trust litigation looks like at the start?
Here’s a recipe for disaster: I. Lawyer gets a call from “X” who is not the potential client. II. “X” says he represents the potential client. III. “X” says PC is dying, blind and in the hospital. IV. “X” says PC has no will … Continue reading
legal research on Google
The internet is good. It’s full of useful information. Sadly, it’s also full of wrong information. Or information which is correct for someplace but not for D.C., MD or VA where I practice. I have some very sophisticated clients who … Continue reading
Do it already
There was a recent controversy on a website I visit regularly about whether or not the attorney who prepared the will has to be there when it is signed. Generally we agreed: the lawyer does not have to be there … Continue reading
Who are you going to trust? Me or your lying eyes?
Actually, it’s true. Eyewitnesses are regularly wrong. In fact, eyewitness testimony is the most often cited reason for all the wrong convictions which are later reversed by DNA tests. If you are interested in why this should be, check the … Continue reading
Will a corporation actually protect your assets?
Will a corporation actually protect your assets? Maybe yes, maybe no. But it’s not as simple as Legal Zoom would have you think. Why is that? First, if a company is involved, a lot of people will expect someone to … Continue reading
Why not use a will off the internet?
Now I don’t do wills, trusts or estates. I litigate the consequences of a bad set of decisions when wills are written, trusts are created and then people die. But this is important: First, you’re not paying just for the … Continue reading