Category Archives: Car
Approaching your car part 2
When you approach your car, walk around it. Look carefully to see if it has been tampered with. Me? I look down at the tires to see if someone has punched a hole in one since a quick way to … Continue reading
Approaching your car part 3
I almost forgot something. If someone has a serious grudge against you they could tamper with the car doors. If your car has “pull” door releases, look carefully because someone might tape a razor blade under the release. If your … Continue reading
More car tips
Sorry about being gone for 2 weeks: Lot to do as I did my regular work. But to continue about cars and the danger therein. Get a locking gas cap. I know it’s inconvenient. But if someone wants to be … Continue reading
Approaching your car part 1
In my last post I said I would write a bit about safety in parking lots. So here goes with the first tip: When you approach your car, look around before you get there. That’s right–before. That means as you … Continue reading
Get Behind them
It’s graduation time. And summer time. And time for all the tired, drunk, impaired drivers to be out on the roads more. So, what do you do if you see one of these coming up on you? Or you come … Continue reading
Use Your mirrors
Yesterday I was out driving. Just a normal run to the stores. I pulled into the parking lot and suddenly noticed that someone was following me. All the way to where I park. No place to drive away. So I … Continue reading
Contempt of Cop
Contempt of Cop. It’s not an official crime. You’ll never find it listed in the statute books. But it’s real. Just ask the right people. If a cop believes that you are not being sufficiently respectful (as the cop defines … Continue reading
Getting the Creeps
Someone was just posting on a listserve I visit all the time about getting the creeps when she’s leaving the office. So she wallks carefully to her car and listens to her instincts. Good! But once she gets to the … Continue reading
Take presents out of your car
I was out grocery shopping with my daughters yesterday and we were using their car. So when we went to load the groceries into the trunk, there wasn’t enough room. Why? Because they had stashed their presents for other people … Continue reading
Look around
As a followup to my earlier post about “check your “6””, when you are approaching your car (especially these days with an armload of presents) be aware of the other cars around you. Who is in them? What are they … Continue reading