Category Archives: Street
Don’t Walk Between Groups
Many years ago I learned this one the hard way. As you walk down the street, get into an elevator, get on the subway or a bus, don’t walk between a group. This means you actually have to keep your … Continue reading
Ever roll up a magazine and carry it in your hand? Ever do that with a newspaper? Ever see someone doing that? Well, if you do, you might want to pay a little more attention to that person than you … Continue reading
Beware of “stuff”
I was counseling someone today who holds a prominent public position and is being stalked. We don’t know how bad it is yet, but one thing we talked about is worth mentioning right now. If you are concerned, do *not* … Continue reading
Check your “6”
If you work in public space or are walking down the street your most vulnerable side is your back. If you were in the center of a clock, straight ahead would be “12”, your right side would be “3”, your … Continue reading
I hate IPods
I hate IPods! They are small, convenient, give good sound, hold lots of music, and are very affordable. So why do I hate them? Because when you put both ear pieces in your ears they block out the entire world. … Continue reading
Walking (con’t) and Shoes
I am always amazed when I see people walking on the street wearing flip-flops, high heels, sandals and backless shoes of all kinds. It’s absurd. When wearing these shoes you cannot walk normally with good balance–you have to worry about … Continue reading
This is the season for pickpockets according to the Washington Post and various other papers. I won’t bother giving you the links to the stories, you can find them yourself if you google today’s date, the WP and “pickpocket”. But … Continue reading
Walking. I bet you never knew it could be so complicated. For that matter, I bet you, the reader, never knew that victims could be picked out with great accuracy by merely watching them walk. The same is true for … Continue reading
A Story and a Lesson
Yesterday my older daughter came home a little early and a little upset. And she had blood on the knuckles of her right hand. She *had* to talk to me right away. The story was simple: she and another girl … Continue reading
Drop Everything
We always tell our children to run away from strangers who approach them. We always tell our children to run towards help. Then we give our children backpacks to put their school books, CDs, phones, calculators, etc. And then we … Continue reading