Category Archives: Work
Code Talking
This is not something everyone needs or wants. But under the right circumstances (like being stalked) it can be a useful tip. If you are concerned about being held hostage or kidnaped or otherwise detained against your will, you can … Continue reading
Some Thoughts on Computer Security
Someone asked me for some quick thoughts about computer security. After a little thought, this is what I came up with: 90% of computer security is keeping your brain switched on. Computer security can be divided into 2 types of … Continue reading
I was talking with a friend of mine recently and he was worried: Seems that he was at a kids soccer game & another parent got upset about something. Rather than talking about it the other parent called my friend … Continue reading
Speed Dial
I love the speed dial feature of modern phones. They are so convenient. You can use them as a protective tool too: just program “9” on the speed dial to dial “911”. You can do this on your home phone, … Continue reading